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L O C O M O T I O N: Digestion Tonic (11-15 cups)

Shop Ayurveda Treatment Teas

Our tea's are Ayurvedic tea blends carefully crafted from organic sources, caffeine free herbal remedies that balance one's doshas.  Ayurvedic teas are India's traditional, natural system of medicine that has been practiced for more then 5,000 years.

Ayurveda=Science of life.

L O C O M O T I O N: Digestion Tonic (11-15 cups)

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L O C O M O T I O N: Digestion Tonic (11-15 cups)


Move your internal system full steam ahead with the antimicrobial & digestive properties of Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamon, & Vanilla. Now c'mon , let's do the loco-motion.

Super Powers:

  • Cinnamon: has antimicrobial properties, it's a warming herb used to cure cold & common flu. It can also aid in digestion, breaking down fats. Did you know: cinnamon is a well known herb that can assist in combating infections such as Candida Yeast, it is also rich in antioxidants known as Catechins.
  • Cardamon: Aids in digestion and detoxification
  • Clove: has antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, & antiviral properties. Cloves stimulate blood flow & saliva production which assists with the digestion process
  • Vanilla: promotes healthy digestion function. Soothes inflammation in the gut preventing vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, & upset stomach
  • Orange Peel: protects the digestive system & reinforces the immune system. Packed with flavonoids, reduces the effects of free radical damage

Taste Buds: Rich, Sweet, & Savory 

Ingredients: Vanilla, Clove, Orange Peel, Cardamon, & Orange Peel

Caution: dbts Skin Bar & it's professionals are not licensed physicians, we recommend consulting with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are on a specific medication(s), pregnant, or nursing. Our treatment teas, tonics, & concoctions are caffeine free & were created to help promote a healthy skin and a healthy body from the inside. Our teas, tonics, & concoctions are loose leaf, & our blends are from organic sources. It is recommended that you use a tea press or strainer when steeping. These products are not necessarily intended for children & can affect individuals differently.  A healthy lifestyle is recommended in order to boost the effectiveness of our blends. 

-BeWell Friends

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